Cara Rose: Variations on a Theme

July 5-26, 2024
Cara Rose: Variations on a Theme
Opening reception: Friday, July 5, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Cara Rose is a ceramic artist working in a small home studio as Adobe Rose Works in Oak Ridge. Her pieces are a dance between function and whimsy. She often creates using a pottery wheel and hand builds and alters pots after they are formed. Her pottery is often highly decorated, utilizing underglazes and colored slips for sgraffito and mishima embellishment. She also uses newsprint underglaze transfers and has experimented with water etching in some of her work. Originally from Chicago, Rose has lived in East Tennessee long enough to be a native. She has a B.A. from the University of Michigan and an M.S. from the University of Tennessee. After years in Information Technology, she retired from the Y-12 National Security Complex as a technical writer/editor. She has also played organ at church for more than 35 years. Rose is a juried (and board) member of Foothills Craft Guild, Oak Ridge Art Center, Mountain Potters Network, and Locally Grown Gallery in Oak Ridge. Her work is also available in the Knoxville Museum of Art Gift Shop.

Variations on a Theme is a collection of my most recent stoneware and porcelain work, some of which may still be warm when the exhibition opens! The hanging plates/platters are food and dishwasher safe as well as decorative. I hope that my love for clay seeps through my fingers and lives in my pots for you to appreciate.
Instagram @cara.c.rose

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