Bruce Bunting: The Alphabet Series

June 1-29, 2018
Bruce Bunting: The Alphabet Series
Opening reception: Friday, June 1, 5:00-9:00 PM
Exhibition hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Please note, the Emporium will be closed on Monday, May 28, for the holiday.

The alphabet series was inspired by Bruce Bunting’s wish to program an exhibition and display a larger body of work. He typically works on a small scale, with most pieces being no larger than 8×10, so he chose the alphabet as a concept to create 26 unique pieces. He scoured the dictionary for inspiring words and antique shops for parts and pieces. Each of the works incorporate his handmade paper, newly-purchased components, and some found objects more than 20 years old. This exhibition represents the largest body of work Bunting has ever made.

Bruce Bunting is a retired automotive engineer and cancer survivor. He has dabbled in art most of his life in the form of jewelry and small sculptures. After retirement, he became more involved in developing his personal style, which combines his enjoyment of building things, developing processes and keeping a schedule with his whimsical / macabre outlook. His art also provided an outlet for expression as he went through cancer treatment and recovery.

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