Broadway Studios & Gallery: Shape, Shoot, Symbolize and Sketch

November 2-30, 2018
Broadway Studios & Gallery: Shape, Shoot, Symbolize and Sketch
Opening reception: Friday, November 2, 5:00-9:00 PM
Exhibition hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Please note, the Emporium will be closed Thursday-Friday, November 22-23, for the holidays.

This exhibition features an array of work by the Artists in Residence at Broadway Studios and Gallery (BSG): Sheila Chesanow, Anne Freels, Jessica Gregory, Paula Johnson, Kathleen Kinney, Mariclair Tan, and Cynthia Tipton. BSG is located 1127 N. Broadway in North Knoxville and is a co-op of ten artists working in studios under one roof. They hold monthly exhibitions, operate a retail store, and offer private lessons.

Sheila Chesanow
If these photographs have a mission, it is to capture frequently viewed objects, environment and scenes which most people truly look at though they may see them each day.  I have tried to capture the beauty of everyday and present them in interesting ways.

Anne Freels: “Resonation and Reciprocity”
This ensemble represents a human/earth connection…as these gals emerge from the earth into the primordial woods, they make music from instruments made by human hands to complement the sounds of nature.  These sounds form a big spiral; from the earth out into the woods, up into the trees, out into the universe while catching the wind and glancing off humans, who in turn capture the sounds, create music and send it all back around through the trees down into the earth again, altered and alive to emerge again.

Jessica Gregory
An element of whimsy juxtaposed by something more serious to contemplate. I hope to provoke thoughts of both our natural environment and the human condition through these compositions. Beautiful yet slightly uncomfortable.

Paula Johnson
I create stained glass and pysanky pieces that reflect a time when beautiful items were created by hand rather than on an assembly line.  The exactness and precision of both pysanky (Ukrainian eggs) and stained glass challenges me to achieve a level of detail that is often missing in my every day, rushed life.

Kathleen Kinney
For me building a platform of understanding and knowledge about art and sharing it with my community is important.
I want to be inspired. I want to inspire. I want to create an experience that will educate as well as fascinate. Take inspiration from our histories, our experiences, our very souls and create art using this inspiration. I want to have the conversation about our world, our lives, our thoughts, my art and I want to hear you.

Mariclair Tan
I have long felt that body language is the truest of all languages: the most precise and expressive, and the most widely understood. I wish to engage a diverse audience with my work by addressing timeless themes of humanity with sculptures of the human form.

Cynthia Tipton
I am a personality collector. I am captured and inspired by the energy that emanates from people. In my work I strive to render the essence of what makes a person who they are and communicate that which grabbed my attention in the first place. In our society it can be a struggle to be mindful and engage with one another. The speed at which we receive information and images is assaulting. Presenting a person in a way that is demanding of the viewers’ attention is challenging and rewarding. It forces them to slow down and allows them to peruse the nuances of an individual’s face or figure, thereby allowing them to get to know that person on a level that they may not have otherwise.

When starting a painting, I prefer to spend time with the subject, asking questions, seeing their lives in an attempt to get to know them and develop an opinion about their character. This allows me to make decisions on the use of color, line, value, size and dimension to impart a personal statement about who I believe THAT PERSON to be in THAT MOMENT. The personalities I choose as subjects are usually larger than life and I tend to portray them that way. It’s almost a shame that they are confined within the parameters of the canvas or board. The paintings stand on their own or within a group, just as the individuals do.

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