Broadway Studios & Gallery: Rare Combinations

August 2-30, 2019
Broadway Studios & Gallery: Rare Combinations
Opening reception: Friday, August 2, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. 

Rare Combinations features an eclectic mix of work in various media by ten artists based in Broadway Studios and Gallery (BSG): Sheila Chesanow, Nancy Rowland Engle, Anne Freels, Jessica Gregory, Paula Johnson, Katie Kinney, Jeremy Logan, Stacy Monday, Pat O’Neil and Mariclair Tan.

BSG is a co-op of artists working in individual studios under one roof. These uniquely talented artists create original sculpture, paintings, pysanky, jewelry, photography, collage, and fine craft on site. The resident artists operate a gallery and gift shop which is open Friday-Saturday 10 AM – 5 PM at 1127 N. Broadway, Knoxville, TN 37917. For more information, please call 865-556-8676.

Mariclair Tan
Mariclair Tan is a figure sculptor. She renders figures realistically
and currently favors themes of reading, love, and family. She
occasionally makes prints and dabbles in fashion design. Mariclair’s
most current work in progress can be seen on Instagram @work.of.human.hands

Jeremy Logan
These pieces are an exploration of what social media might have been like in the time of King Arthur. Pieces like “Sixth Century Instagram” and “#HolyGrail” bring medieval illustrations into a familiar modern format.

Jessica Gregory
I have immersed myself in some beautiful natural environments. Inspiration for this group of work came from kayaking and hiking in areas from the National Seashores in the Gulf to Glacier National Park. I hope to bring awareness of our need to protect and care for our earth as these
places are changing rapidly. More of my paintings and sculpture can be seen at

Nancy Rowland Engle
My work incorporates organic forms and geometric shapes. Most pieces have an industrial feel. I feel like the pieces I’ve been making have come to look the way they do naturally. The textures which I like to incorporate through etching and casting have, to me, come to be symbolic of decay. The shapes, the elements, and the organic forms all represent nature. Together, these represent both the sadness I feel at our destruction of ourselves and our environment, and also the joy that comes from beautiful things.

Paula Johnson
This collection is a panorama of Pysanky eggs (also referred to as Ukrainian Eggs) using the traditional wax resist method. This collection includes swallow, chicken, duck, goose, and ostrich eggs.

Katie Kinney
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” Oscar Wilde
I wish to live in art. Bathe in its creative lights, follows its swath of clay and color. To drink at its fountains of canvas and paint. To dream in French, sparked by impressionism, modernism and realism. All it takes is courage. And that I have in abundance.

Stacy Monday
My art celebrates the movement and moments in travel. How appreciating life with open eyes and taking in the sameness and difference in the world changes the traveler. While traveling over 8 years as a volunteer around the world I took photos of everything. I now use those photos as either inspiration or transfers in my pieces. I love texture in art and try to implement either literally or with as a feeling in my work. I am from Southern California. I earned a BA and MA in Speech Communication with Minors in Literature, Women’s Studies, and Italian Medieval Studies from the University of Tennessee.

Sheila Chesanow
If these photographs have a mission, it is to capture frequently viewed objects, environment and scenes which most people look at though they may see them each day but don’t really look at them closely. I have tried to capture the beauty of everyday and present them in interesting ways.

Anne Freels
Anne Freels is a natural materials artist who has been making corn shuck dolls since 1975. She loves transforming a traditional Appalachian craft into contemporary folk art dolls.

Pat O’Neil
In a variety of mediums I try to represent my abstract.

Patti Long
My heart for people, animals and all things colorful and happy flow throughout my art with vivid watercolors and layers upon layers of color. My hope is that these cheerful and bright pieces will bring a smile to your face and a lightness to your soul!

Tony Long
I fell in love with photography in High School and have practiced it ever since. I love to capture simple things and street scenes for my art. Photography has been a part of my business, Tweek Imaging, since 2000. With Tweek Imaging, I get to work with passionate artists and creatives, a
dream come true.

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