Brandon Woods: Spatium

July 2-30, 2021
Brandon Woods: Spatium
Opening reception: Friday, July 2, 5:00-9:00 PM with artist talk at 6:15 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM – 5 PM. Please note, the Emporium will be closed on Monday, July 5. 

This exhibition of new works and research by Brandon Woods seeks to define a new artistic discipline—Spatium—for artworks such as his which bridge painting and sculpture. A number of works included in the exhibition are created on dimensional panels projecting out from the wall at exciting and unexpected angles, activating the space around them. Woods’ approach to painting results in these works having surfaces that change in color and composition as the viewer moves around them, bringing the viewer’s awareness to their own perceptions of space.

Brandon Woods (b. 1987, Knoxville, TN) is an interdisciplinary artist who pursues highly innovative approaches to creating works of art through an engagement with science and mathematics. Woods earned his MFA in Painting from Savannah College of Art and Design in 2015. He has received numerous awards and grants for his work, including, most recently, a Bailey Opportunity Grant through the Arts & Heritage Fund. His work has been exhibited and collected throughout the United States and internationally: in New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Miami, Hong Kong, Canada, and France. He lives and works in Knoxville.

The exhibitions are on display at the Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay Street, in downtown Knoxville. The Emporium is open to the public Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Please note, the Emporium will be closed on Monday, July 5. For more information, please see or call (865) 523-7543.

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