Bradley A. Wilder: Synchronicity

March 6 – May 29, 2020
Bradley A. Wilder: Synchronicity
Opening reception: Friday, March 6, 5:00-9:00 PM

Artist Statement:
There is a formulation of similar universal brain stimulus that one obtains at birth which allows for specific functions in the way one perceives life and becomes a part of the global subconscious. To be more clear, I will call this being in tune with the idea of free association. This term meaning to connect images or words together within the mind which may have no apparent connection to one another, allowing an intrinsic understanding of archetypal imagery.

However, leaving each viewer with their own innate familiarity with the signs conveyed in my images. The creation process and content is achieved organically, with equal accounts of order and randomness, exploring different mixed media methods of painting, including materials such as oil, acrylic, spray paint and charcoal often used simultaneously or subjectively depending on the nature involving an individual piece.

My work taps into the subconscious thoughts that are within each individual regarding their own outlook towards reality. Furthermore, by my intimate yet subliminal way of working, I aim to unlock the inborn superconscious in myself, which in turn may bring awareness to the superconscious within the viewer. In order to bring people into a realm of realizing an example of synchronicity through the viewing of my paintings. I act as a frenzied scribe, unraveling my pressured and mysterious mind.

Bradley A. Wilder (b. 1989, United States) received a B.F.A in painting from the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky in 2015. He is currently working on an M.F.A in painting from Savannah College of Art and Design with an expected graduation date in the year of 2020. Wilder has studied painting and drawing in France as well as China. He worked as a professional tattoo artist and illustrator for ten years in numerous tattoo studios within the southern parts of the U.S. Wilder has been in multiple group exhibitions throughout the country along with a solo exhibition in 2015 in Lexington, Kentucky. He is currently residing in Middlesboro Kentucky.

For more information, visit, follow him on Instagram @paintingsbywilder, or find him on Facebook at

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