Ann and Steve Bailey Opportunity Grantees FY21

The Arts & Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville is pleased to announce 47 awards to local artists and organizations as part of the Ann and Steve Bailey Opportunity Grants for 2020-2021. This program of the Arts & Heritage Fund, with awards distributed through the Alliance, provides financial and technical support to individual artists and small, professionally-oriented arts and culture organizations (with annual budgets under $100,000). The grants are designed to spur continued artistic and administrative growth in innovative, entrepreneurial artists and organizations at any stage in their development.

The following individual applicants will receive Bailey Opportunity grants:

Marcus Carmon
Becky Chaffee
Alyssa Coffin
Eleanor Conover
Bobbie Crews
Yvonne Dalschen
Brandon Gibson
Terina Gillette
Curtis Glover
Jessica Gregory
Lila Holdenried
Alex Jaynes
Shannon Johnson
Jeanne Kidd
Kelley Luce
David Luttrell
Elysia Mann
Jess Maples
Ryan Mason
Renee Mathies
Tom Owens
John Phillips
Kevin & Sandra Pollock
Spencer Ratliff
Kerry Remp
Annie Rochelle
Nancy Rowland-Engle
AngelaDawn Russell
Ericka Ryba
Roberta Smashey
Emily Taylor
Travis Tench
Houston Vandergriff
Amy Wilson
Brandon Woods
Rodney Yardley
Conny Zhao

The following organizations will receive Bailey Opportunity grants:

Circle Modern Dance
Canvas Can Do Miracles
Inner Voices String Quartet
Knoxville Choral Society
Marble City Opera
Parris-Bailey Arts
River & Rail Theatre Company
Tennessee Stage Company
Tennessee Wind Symphony

The goal of Bailey Opportunity Grants is to create a more vital creative community in Knoxville by: encouraging contributions to the city’s economy and quality of life by artists and arts and history organizations; positioning Knoxville as a community that honors its creative industry and supports the efforts of artists and organizations to achieve excellence; and raising public profiles of artists and organizations within the city and beyond. For more information, visit

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