Ann and Steve Bailey Opportunity Grantees FY19

The Arts & Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville is pleased to announce 30 awards to local artists and organizations as part of the Ann and Steve Bailey Opportunity Grants for 2018-2019. This program of the Arts & Heritage Fund, with awards distributed through the Alliance, provides financial and technical support to individual artists and small, professionally-oriented arts and culture organizations (with annual budgets under $100,000). The grants are designed to spur continued artistic and administrative growth in innovative, entrepreneurial artists and organizations at any stage in their development.

A total of 43 individuals and 19 organizations applied for the competitive grants, and interviews determined the awards in April.

The following 20 individual applicants will receive a total of $61,000 in Bailey Opportunity grants for these projects:
+ Michelle Barillaro – $500 for a workshop in Asheville, NC with Cindy Walton.
+ Emily Bivens – $2,996 for lighting equipment for installations.
+ Jan Burleson – $1,185 for a workshop at Arrowmont.
+ Paula Campbell – $775 to attend and present work at the Society for Photographic Education Conference.
+ Marcus Carmon – $3,557 for film equipment.
+ Rhea Carmon – $2,148 for professional supplies and attending National Association for Campus Activities Conference.
+ Katharine Emlen – $500 for photography business/licensing mentorship.
+ Lisa Flanary – $2,695 for photography equipment.
+ Laura Goff – $5,000 for safety equipment for sandblasting.
+ David Gohn – $1,000 for mobile art display system.
+ Kelly Hider – $592 to participate in Hambidge Creative Residency Program.
+ Kathy Holland – $3,000 for artist supplies and equipment.
+ Kris Jones – $1,578 for a workshop at Penland School of Crafts, NC.
+ Cameron Kite – $4,028 for computer equipment.
+ Gerry Moll – $9,377 for a solar artist studio.
+ Michael Robison – $3,000 for potter’s wheels.
+ Ericka Ryba – $2,069 for potter’s equipment.
+ Emily Shane – $1,000 for woodworker and marketing consultations.
+ Karly Stribling – $14,000 for upgrades to metal shop.
+ Dominick White – $2,000 for vocal lessons with Scott Bearden.

The following 10 organizations will receive a total of $39,000 in Bailey Opportunity grants for these projects:
+ Asian Culture Center of Tennessee – $1,500 for board development and strategic planning with Alliance for Better Nonprofits.
+ C for Courtside – $13,000 to expand gallery/project/studio spaces.
+ Cattywampus Puppet Council – $3,000 for an enclosed cargo trailer.
+ Circle Modern Dance – $2,000 for website redesign.
+ Knox Makers – $10,000 for professional tools and equipment.
+ Momentum Dance Lab – $1,000 for ethnic dance instruction.
+ River and Rail Theatre – $5,000 for architectural design and upgrades to performance space.
+ Sundress Publications – $1,500 for film equipment.
+ Theatre Knoxville – $1,500 for marketing plan development with Alliance for Better Nonprofits.
+ Tennessee Wind Symphony – $500 for consultation regarding leadership transition.

The goal of Bailey Opportunity Grants is to create a more vital creative community in Knoxville by: encouraging contributions to the city’s economy and quality of life by artists and arts and history organizations; positioning Knoxville as a community that honors its creative industry and supports the efforts of artists and organizations to achieve excellence; and raising public profiles of artists and organizations within the city and beyond. For more information, visit

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