American Tapestry Alliance: Tiny But Mighty

July 1-29, 2022
American Tapestry Alliance: Tiny But Mighty
Opening reception: Friday, July 1, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Monday July 18 and Tuesday July 19, 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

The American Tapestry Alliance (ATA) is pleased to present this exhibit of small tapestries designed and woven by our members.

This exhibit is held every two years in conjunction with Convergence and is open to every member with the only restriction being the size of the tapestry. Members are encouraged to explore and experiment with new designs, materials and techniques in this small format as well as to explore the theme of “Tiny But Mighty”. This year’s exhibit features 138 hand woven tapestries from members in the United States and from around the world including Japan, Israel, and Brazil. This is a very popular event for ATA members and it is always exciting to see new ideas being put in place to explore the expressive medium of tapestry weaving.

Membership to ATA is available to anyone interested in tapestry whether they are a beginner, collector or professional studio artist.

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