Adam Newman: delusionary /dəˈlo͞oZHənerē/

August 2-30, 2019
Adam Newman: delusionary /dəˈlo͞oZHənerē/
Opening reception: Friday, August 2, 5:00-9:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. 


delusionary /dəˈlo͞oZHənerē/ can be defined as one having the ability to see and believe alternate versions and personalities of others formed in an ever-evolving environment of the mind, which may or may not be based upon real interactions.

Working from this definition, I have expounded on how this pertains to romantic relationships.

When a romantic love interest enters one’s life, an idea of that person begins to form in the mind. That idea is then developed further both through real and imaginary interaction. The imaginary interactions namely residing in daydreams, fantasy and fictitious conversations taking place solely within one’s mind. This idea can become an autonomous, alternate personality and version of the love interest separate from what’s real.

The alt version is influenced most heavily by one’s selfish ideas, desires and needs. Creating an intoxicating facade with which the real person can hardly measure up. It then can begin an impish assault utilizing one’s biggest fears and insecurities to poison the relationship. Even after the love interest has exited one’s life, the alt version remains further developing and often more so as the mind becomes more fixated by the void left in the absence of the real person.

In this instance, you have the ability to create the world you live in. You can invite others in, and they may oblige. You may not always get to choose if or when they leave. Thus rendering you, a delusionary.

Born of frustration and confusion, delusionary is an investigation. An intro, a sore yet needful beginning to what will hopefully yield to a promising conclusion. A collection of introspective works presented through mixed media panels. Created by working through the subjective rather than the objective. Unlike my last project in which I utilized a realism style, here I work with less planning and in most all cases find myself coming to dead ends that I am forced to work past rather than simply starting over. The process mimics that of my thoughts in a romantic relationship. In viewing these panels, you see firsthand my struggles, and to this point failure, to orchestrate a working version of romantic love.


Artist, 34
Tried by fire. Forged through trial.



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