A1LabArts: GRIT

March 5-26, 2021
A1LabArts: GRIT
Opening reception: Friday, March 5, 5:00-8:00 PM
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM – 5 PM

A1LabArts proudly announces GRIT, its first members’ show of 2021, featuring 2-D and 3-D work in a variety of media. In the past 12 months, life has changed for the entire world dramatically. To persist, each person has had to draw upon their inherent grit. Grit changes the softer surfaces it comes in contact with (as does sandpaper). Grit is used as a pigeon digestive aid. Add an “s” and you’ve got a southern staple. It’s fortitude, resolution, courage. When doing strenuous tasks, we grit our teeth. For this particular show, we’re asking members to show us their interpretations of grit.

At the opening reception, they will announce a $100 Best of Show and several Honorable Mentions.

A1LabArts, a Knoxville-based 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1995 by local artists, is dedicated to multi-disciplinary and experimental exploration of contemporary art issues in all media. For more information:


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